
Google chrome os support
Google chrome os support

The personal computers that use Chrome get several updates and also receive security. The people using the computers having Google Chrome, experience ease of use by doing most of their work online on the cloud with very minimal or no need of downloading any programs or applications. Apart from being the most famous browser, it is an open-source browser as well. Google Chrome, is one of the most used browsers in the world today. At a news conference, Sunder Pichai, CEO of Google, mentioned that Google would try to reduce the boot time of Chrome which was 7 seconds then. In November that year, the open-source project was released as “Chromium OS”. Matthew Papakipos (engineering director, Chrome OS), in the year 2009, claimed that the Chrome OS used 1/60 part of the space used in Windows OS. The Chrome OS is feasible with the hard disk drives (HDD), but Google had requested its hardware providers for solid-state devices citing better performance and reliability. The Chrome OS was formerly designed for Netbooks and Personal Computers. The Chrome Operating System was announced on the 7 th Of July 2009, by Google LLC. Several applications can be opened on Google Chrome using different tabs. The upgrades take place when connected to the internet and do not need any manual intervention. Google Chrome comes with an automatic upgrade system. All websites load quickly on this browser. It has very low latency, it means that you do not need to wait for the web or the internet for long to connect. Google Chrome Operating system is made specifically for notebooks and tablets.

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    google chrome os support

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  • Google chrome os support